Romaji | Hiragana | Kanji | Significado del nombre |
Ryuubi |
きたやま りゅうび
来山 劉備
来 - next (year, etc.), since
山 - mountain 劉 - faded, kill en masse, logging axe, peeling (paint off a wall, etc), sparse, weapon of war 備 - equip, preparation, provision |
Momoru |
ならやま ももる
楢山 百留
楢 - oak
山 - mountain 百 - hundred 留 - detain, fasten, halt, stop |
Arishia |
いもと ありしあ
井本 麻里沙
井 - community, town, well, well crib
本 - book, counter for long cylindrical things, main, origin, present, real, true 麻 - flax, hemp, numb 里 - league, parent's home, ri, village 沙 - sand |
Tetsuzou |
ほばら てつぞう
保原 哲三
保 - guarantee, keep, preserve, protect, support, sustain
原 - field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness 哲 - clear, philosophy 三 - three |
Rurune |
いせや るるね
伊勢谷 琉々寧
伊 - Italy, that one
勢 - energy, forces, military strength 谷 - valley 琉 - gem, lapis lazuli, precious stone 々 - An iteration mark denoting the repetition of the previous hanzi 寧 - peaceful, preferably, quiet, rather, tranquility |
Sadatora |
おしみ さだとら
押見 定虎
押 - attach, check, do in spite of, press, push, seal, seize, shove, stop, subdue, weight
見 - chances, hopes, idea, look at, opinion, see, visible 定 - decide, determine, establish, fix 虎 - drunkard, tiger |
Noaya |
さいと のあや
齋藤 乃彩
齋 - Buddhist food, alike, avoid, religious purification, room, worship
藤 - wisteria 乃 - accordingly, from, possessive particle, whereupon 彩 - coloring, makeup, paint |
Ninomaru |
つちだ にのまる
土田 仁之丸
土 - Turkey, earth, ground, soil
田 - rice field, rice paddy 仁 - benevolence, charity, humanity, kernel, man, virtue 之 - of, this 丸 - -ship, curl up, explain away, full (month), make round, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce |
Onto |
おぎくぼ おんと
荻窪 穏翔
荻 - reed, rush
窪 - become hollow, cave in, depression, sink 穏 - calm, moderation, quiet 翔 - fly, soar |
Kessaku |
おのち けっさく
小野内 傑作
小 - little, small
野 - civilian life, field, plains, rustic 内 - among, between, home, house, inside, within 傑 - excellence, greatness 作 - build, make, prepare, production |
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