Romaji | Hiragana | Kanji | Name meaning |
Masuhiko |
あやべ ますひこ
綾部 倍彦
綾 - design, figured cloth, twill
部 - bureau, class, copy, counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine, dept, part, portion, section 倍 - double, fold, times, twice 彦 - boy (ancient), lad |
Midorimaru |
おにき みどりまる
鬼木 緑丸
鬼 - devil, ghost
木 - tree, wood 緑 - green 丸 - -ship, curl up, explain away, full (month), make round, perfection, pills, roll up, round, seduce |
Komine |
いいだか こみね
飯高 心々凪
飯 - boiled rice, meal
高 - expensive, high, tall 心 - heart, heart radical (no. 61), mind, spirit 々 - An iteration mark denoting the repetition of the previous hanzi 凪 - (kokuji), calm, lull |
Tanba |
やなせ たんば
柳瀬 丹波
柳 - willow
瀬 - current, rapids, shallows, shoal, torrent 丹 - pills, red, red lead, rust-colored, sincerity 波 - Poland, billows, waves |
Yasutatsu |
おくち やすたつ
奥地 安竜
奥 - heart, interior
地 - earth, ground 安 - cheap, contented, low, peaceful, quiet, relax, rested 竜 - dragon, imperial |
Toguro |
なかみね とぐろ
仲嶺 遂
仲 - go-between, relationship
嶺 - peak, summit 遂 - accomplish, attain, commit (suicide), consummate |
Osou |
しろた おそう
代田 黒白
代 - age, change, charge, convert, counter for decades of ages, eras, etc., fee, generation, period, rate, replace, substitute
田 - rice field, rice paddy 黒 - black 白 - white |
Eriya |
いせき えりや
井関 恵理也
井 - community, town, well, well crib
関 - barrier, concerning, connection, gateway, involve 恵 - blessing, favor, grace, kindness 理 - arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth 也 - to be (classical) |
Musumi |
かがた むすみ
加賀田 生澄
加 - Canada, add, addition, include, increase, join
賀 - congratulations, joy 田 - rice field, rice paddy 生 - birth, genuine, life 澄 - be clear, clarify, clear, look grave, lucidity, settle, strain |
Nanto |
しっめん なんと
新免 南人
新 - new
免 - dismissal, excuse 南 - south 人 - person |
Our generator can help you select a Japanese name for a girl, a boy or unisex variants. Each name is written with English letters (romaji) for simple understanding and duplicated in Hiragana and Kanji scripts with the meaning of each character.
While building this generator, we took into account the peculiarities of Japanese culture.
Within our database, you can find over 20,000 first names and approximately 10,000 last names.
These ideas of female, male and unisex Japanese names come in handy for novelists, playwrights, anime artists, comic book authors and any other types of creative personalities. You can choose a variant with meaning behind the name or just a nice combination of syllables.