Japanese Name Generator

First name settings
fill out the "First name" field to generate ideas based on your given name
Last name settings
fill out the "Last name" field to generate ideas based on your surname

Random names have been generated special for you (last and first name):

Romaji Hiragana Kanji Name meaning
ちかざわ せんざぶろう
近沢 仙三朗
近 - akin, early, near, tantamount
沢 - brilliance, grace, marsh, swamp
仙 - cent, hermit, wizard
三 - three
朗 - bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene
もといし はるまさ
本石 元政
本 - book, counter for long cylindrical things, main, origin, present, real, true
石 - stone
元 - beginning, former time, origin
政 - government, politics
ざいま わおん
在間 和音
在 - exist, located in, outskirts, suburbs
間 - interval, space
和 - Japan, Japanese style, harmony, peace, soften
音 - noise, sound
おだぎり ひでみち
小田切 秀倫
小 - little, small
田 - rice field, rice paddy
切 - be sharp, cut, cutoff
秀 - beauty, excel, excellence, surpass
倫 - companion, ethics
はた したん
波多 史淡
波 - Poland, billows, waves
多 - frequent, many, much
史 - chronicle, history
淡 - faint, fleeting, pale, thin
つちこ あん
土 - Turkey, earth, ground, soil
子 - 11PM-1AM, child, first sign of Chinese zodiac, sign of the rat
杏 - apricot
いけすえ えんしゆん
池末 縁駿
池 - cistern, pond, pool, reservoir
末 - close, end, posterity, powder, tip
縁 - affinity, border, brink, connection, edge, relation, verge
駿 - a fast person, a good horse, speed
わけ ひろすけ
和気 博亮
和 - Japan, Japanese style, harmony, peace, soften
気 - air, atmosphere, mind, mood, spirit
博 - Dr., Ph.D., command, esteem, exposition, fair, win acclaim
亮 - clear, help
むぐるま あきゆき
六車 亮幸
六 - six
車 - car
亮 - clear, help
幸 - blessing, fortune, happiness
にしきど すなほ
錦戸 砂帆
錦 - brocade, fine dress, honors
戸 - counter for houses, door, door radical (no. 63)
砂 - sand
帆 - sail
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Our generator can help you select a Japanese name for a girl, a boy or unisex variants. Each name is written with English letters (romaji) for simple understanding and duplicated in Hiragana and Kanji scripts with the meaning of each character.

While building this generator, we took into account the peculiarities of Japanese culture.

  • In Japan, parents have the freedom to choose any name for their child, but it is crucial to adhere to authorized characters and respect cultural traditions.
  • Traditional Japanese last names are often derived from the names of geographical locations.
  • Also, in this country, last names come before first names.

Within our database, you can find over 20,000 first names and approximately 10,000 last names.

How to use the generator?

  1. First, decide on the gender and choose a suitable option or just a random selection.
  2. After that, you can type the letters with which the first and last names can be starting and ending.
  3. If you want to create a Japanese name based on your real name, write it in a separate field.
  4. Push the button and the system will generate a list of 30 random Japanese names.

What to do with the generated names?

These ideas of female, male and unisex Japanese names come in handy for novelists, playwrights, anime artists, comic book authors and any other types of creative personalities. You can choose a variant with meaning behind the name or just a nice combination of syllables.

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Privacy Policy, Contacts: ivckrsl@gmail.com.